
More Foundation Love, Callsheet, and Fixing Music Album Ratings on the Mac

Bryan and Jeff rave about Foundation season 2 episode 8, and then roll right into an IMDb rant. They also dive deeper into the Callsheet app for iPhone and iPad, and share a tip for fixing album ratings in Apple’s Music app on the Mac.

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Bryan and Jeff rave about Foundation season 2 episode 8, and then roll right into an IMDb rant. They also dive deeper into the Callsheet app for iPhone and iPad, and share a tip for fixing album ratings in Apple’s Music app on the Mac.

Sources referenced in this episode:

AppleScript to clear album auto ratings

tell application "Music"
	if selection is not {} then
		set mySelection to selection
		repeat with aTrack in mySelection
			if album rating kind of aTrack is computed then set album rating of aTrack to 1
		end repeat
	end if
end tell

AppleScript to activate album auto ratings

tell application "Music"
	if selection is not {} then
		set mySelection to selection
		repeat with aTrack in mySelection
			if album rating of aTrack is 1 then set album rating of aTrack to 0
		end repeat
	end if
end tell

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The Big Twitter Mess

Bryan and Jeff are back in the saddle talking about Twitter under Elon Musk’s control. They also take a look at how Digital ID in Apple’s Wallet app is working for Jeff, share a listener tip, and solicit some music related listener help for Bryan.

SPONSOR: LinkedIn Jobs – Go to and get your first job post for free!

Sources referenced in this episode:

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